Specialists for Building Metal Works’ quality policy in its strictest business sense is about producing and delivering products “fit for purpose”. That means to fabricate and accomplish products true to the requirements specified by ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ or specified by the Customer.

The commitment of ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ towards quality is profound as exhibited by its relentless pursuit to continually improve its quality system. The clear definition and awareness of each process and interaction of activities throughout the organization were established to effectively assure and control the quality in all aspects of our services.

This policy recognizes that everyone in the company has responsibilities to fulfill in achieving the quality and customer satisfaction of our products. That prevention not detection is the right approach, and that quality system is adequately resourced with competent staff, suitable infrastructure and better production systems.

The Management of ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ shall identify company’s objectives and shall regularly review performance towards the realization of the set objectives. The quality system shall be review periodically to ensure continuing suitability and effectiveness including opportunities for continual improvement.

‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ ensures that its services and products conform not only to the specification of customer but also to the specifications of ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ as well as to related International Standards.

It is ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’ vision to create an overall successful and profitable market leader operating in construction industry with a solid customer base and build upon our technology, customer value and employee satisfaction. To participate in those fields of interest that offer opportunities for continuing growth and profitability.

This Quality Policy has been generated and introduced along with the manual and the associated procedures with the full support and commitment of the Shareholders, Management and Staff of ‘Specialists for Building Metal Works’.


Walid Ayyad

Chief Executive Officer